Calvary Plains Assessments is a uniquely qualified team that conducts school audits, vulnerability assessments for K-12 schools, higher education, churches and corporate settings as well as provide consultation and customizable training to meet your safety and security needs. Our school safety and security audits are uniquely conducted on a 1, 2, or 3 year plan to bring the best solutions to your campus rather than just an every three-year event. An effective assessment of the campus should be ongoing in order to provide the safest, secure environment for your students and staff. Our goal is to deter, deny and defend against a targeted attack. We expose vulnerabilities and make recommendations to strengthen targets based on industry standards as well as innovative infrastructure advances to improve your physical security. Our customizable training programs can be uniquely adjusted for your team, environment and schedule on an on-going basis. Participants will be empowered and equipped with invaluable life-saving strategies and skills. Our team is equipped with 60 years of combined law enforcement experience and 40 years of public school experience.
Calvary Plains Assessments